My best bud and I share the same birth month – birthday bookends of the sometimes wintry (my end), sometimes springy (hers) month of March. In college this made for some fairly epic, furniture-less parties, and in later adulthood, this makes for me never forgetting the dang day. That’s right, Facebook, I don’t even need that reminder. Last week we talked about another year passing, another year of friendship – 14 years! – and about how our outlooks and goals have changed over time. But one thing has NOT changed, and that is quite simply how crucial and necessary this friendship is to me. Oxygen necessary! Friendship > Oxygen! Not really, but you get it!
Anyway, if it’s not already abundantly clear from this blog, I so cherish my friends. Here’s a not-so-exhaustive list of all my vows to my best pal and my other amazing friends as we age – gracefully – together:
- Always remember your birthday (obvs).
- Send a text, and maybe even give you a call, on every federal holiday.
- Take a girls’ trip every few years – give or take a few years.
- Bring you souvenirs from trips of the non-girls variety.
- Take your side – always.
- Never judge.
- Support your business and/or creative endeavors.
- Remind you of your excellence if you ever start to doubt it.
- Send you every song I can’t get out of my head so it gets stuck in your head too. It’s like Pandora, but where a single person emails you YouTube videos you’ve already seen.
- Borrow all your stuff and give it back … eventually.
- Ruin a very minor percentage of your stuff.
- Help you pick out an outfit for that thing. Or that other thing.
- Make no major life decisions without your sage input.
- Eat better when you’re eating better; eat terribly when you’re eating terribly. (It’s all about peer pressure, er support).
- Figure out exactly what it is you do at your job.
- Always pick up the phone.
- Hang on to every hilarious Halloween photo of us for posterity and wedding slide shows (and definitely not blackmail, nope).
- Remember all the jokes.