No one likes cooking in winter. OK, some people do. But those people don’t add up. This blog is for people who totally add up. The sad fact is, you have to leave your house sometimes and you have to eat food during winter. Sorry. But it doesn’t have to be a total chore. Here’s a […]
Category Archives: Humor
I don’t usually listen to music when I’m running outside – something I picked up from a hardcore marathon/triathloner at a camp I worked at one summer. I just enjoy my weird trippy running thoughts (BuzzFeed’s 75 Thoughts Every Runner Has While Out For A Run is pretty accurate) and the sound of my own labored breathing. […]
Now and then, I become a morning person. I can’t predict what will precipitate this change. One summer in college it was the routine of getting up at 7:00 every day to work at the college bookstore. Another year in Rockville, when my then-pregnant cousin was staying with me, it was the fact that I’d […]
Ah, winter in DC. That time of year when you could wake to completely clear skies and roads, only to learn that schools and government buildings have been closed on a bad tip from some weathermen. Or you might wake to four inches of snow and ice and find that the city is operating like it’s […]
This was a big week! I finally sent out my first round of query letters for my novel to agents. Things are happening. It’s weird. And nice. The hardest thing for me about writing the query letter was trying to craft a pithy pitch for my book. I was never great with elevator speeches. Whenever anyone […]
It’s January, guys. 2015. International ‘time to begin again.’ Like many of my pals, I’m not one for annual resolutions. It’s more fun to set goals constantly, or as needed. It’s also fun to adopt mantras. Most of mine are Katy Perry lyrics. Still, I love the idea of beginning again. Towards the end there, […]
It’s New Year’s Eve! Time to wear an outfit you wouldn’t be caught dead in 364 days out of the year and freeze your face off! As we ring in the New Year, here’s a glimpse into your souls as you prepare for the big night. Where you’re going: A crowded club or bar, 3-7 […]
Last week I had a cold. However, I also had a newly opened bottle of Cabernet. Dilemma. I found myself pondering that age-old query: is it OK to drink wine right now? Will drinking wine with a cold make you feel better? Worse? This was far from the first time I’ve wrestled with this question. This post […]
It’s December! I was going to write a humorous yet thought-provoking post about how confusing Twitter is, but sadly that felt very 2012. (Don’t worry, I will probably write that post anyway, possibly next week). At any rate, it’s December and Nanowrimo is over, which means that your new WIP is roughly 0.5 percent done. Hurray! If you […]