I think the jury’s still out for me — at least for several more years!
Cat vs. Baby
One of my favorite things in the world is being an auntie. And despite being kind of a child-avoider my whole life, I think I’m pretty good at it. I mean, I haven’t crossed into “remembering to get them birthday gifts” or “sending them a check on Christmas” territory, but maybe I’ll get there. I’d like nothing more than to be the eccentric aunt who wears a lot of embroidered silk pant suits and takes the kids on awesome trips. A gal can dream. A couple weeks ago, I also got to meet the new baby of one of my dearest friends, Rachel. What a cutie! (She looks just like her mom!) News flash: babies are pretty great. But… are they for everyone? The thing is, cats are also pretty great. (People with terrible cats will disagree. But how, you should ask yourself, did your cat get so terrible?) Anyway, I prepared this simple venn diagram to settle what I’m sure has been a centuries-old debate: Should you baby? Or cat?
I forgot to include “wakes you up at 3am for food” under “both”!
Always choose Cat, because no matter how high Cat medical expenses may get, no expenses will ever trump College.
Truuue, even Primo’s $3k cat surgery would basically be like 3 credit hours of college. 🙁
I’m firmly in the cat side. I love my nephews to death, but I like giving them back.
Giving them back is KEY.
I’m know I’m allergic to cats, I’m starting to wonder if the same maybe goes for kids. For right now, I’m good with the physical, psychological, and financial freedom having neither affords me!
Lol!!! Very cute.